Family time is the best time
The Kelly family came to the studio and were incredible from start to finish. They were all so happy and fun proving family time is the best time. This amazing family came complete with permanent smiles, that made shooting them easy peasy. They looked great in every shot.
Big sister Lowe was amazing at keeping her little brother settled. She really is the ultimate big sister. Cuddles were constant and the smiles kept coming on this shoot. We loved that they all had these big beautiful eyes. They really did captivate us throughout. Mum and dad were great at paying attention to the photographer. We always find it more difficult getting the adults to keep looking forwards more than the kids. So if you’re wanting a family shoot, this mum and dad are the ones to learn from. They were brilliant!
Baby Josie was a diamond when it came to his solo session. Eyes shining brightly towards the camera. He had the most gorgeous eyelashes we’ve ever seen. Family time is the best time here at the studio because we make you feel relaxed and at ease. We guide you through poses so there’s no need to worry if you’re a little camera shy. And once we’ve got a few amazing ones of you all, you can simply pass over the modelling duties to the kids.
Thank you to the Kelly family for being outstanding. We hope you love these pictures as much as we do.