Bluebells Session
Last year we started doing bluebells session on Meagan’s mums estate in Kirkhamgate, Wakefield. We had so much interest last year that we wanted to go even bigger this year. Unfortunately, the bluebells had other ideas. They didn’t fully bloom and then we got struck with some really horrendous weather. Torrential downpours and everything. So instead of getting all the bluebells sessions booked in, we have started doing mini outdoor family sessions. These mini sessions are a fun, no-pressure shoot for all the family. Standard shoots last 15 minutes but we are giving people the option to upgrade to a 30 minute shoot time if you have younger ones. We are hoping the weather stays nice or even gets better so we can fully take advantage. They will be offered on a first come first serve basis so get enquiring now.
Meanwhile, this amazing family did not disappoint at their bluebell shoot. They embrace the full day and loved it. We were so fortunate with the weather, not too cold & not too warm. Just right. And this little one was all about the big cheesy smiles. We absolutely love that they kept with a blue colour theme in their outfits and it worked really.
For more information on our outdoor mini sessions, please get in touch. You can email us directly or contact us via any social media platform. That sunny weather is a coming and we would love to shoot you and your loved ones in the great summer weather!