All About Those Group Shots!
Group shots. This is something I get asked about quite often. You want the group shots but you don’t want to lose time with your guests between your ceremony and reception. Here I have included my top 10 tips for helping your group shots time run as smoothly as possible so you can get on with enjoying the rest of your day.
- Planning, planning and more planning. Talk to your photographer. Make sure you are on the same wavelength
- List. Write a list for your group shots. If you want help knowing what the traditional group lists are like, click here.
- Time. Time is the most important thing. Make sure you have allocated MORE than enough time. People tend to need to pop to the loo at this point and older family may want to take a seat.
- Day light. Group shots are best taken outdoors. Large stairways are doable and entrance halls. It may not always be possible to get the group shots indoors if it is very dark and small. Make sure to discuss this.
- Location. It may look pretty but is it functional? It is advised not to have your guests walking too far. If it is too close to the bar this may also bring up issues! Can your photographer get high enough to include everyone?
- Back up plan. This is very important. We all know what the weather can be like!
- Is it accessible for disabled relatives?
- Traditionally group shots were taken outside the church. This is usually the quickest approach. You can also have them taken at the reception venue, but make sure your guests are aware of what they are doing.
- Less is more. What is more important to you, family photos or spending time with your guests? This is entirely up to you but remember group shots can take up a large chunk of your social time.
- Don’t stress! It is not your job to stress out. Appoint a good team to help organise your groups. Having loud family members help makes a huge difference for rounding people up and getting the job done.